
The scientific name for this process is Alkaline Hydrolysis. It is an accelerated version of the process that occurs by nature, when a body is laid to rest in the ground.

A combination of gentle water flow, temperature, and alkalinity are used to gently accelerate the breakdown of the body.

With Aquamation, an individual body is respectfully placed in a container that is then placed in a clean, stainless-steel vessel. A combination of gentle water flow, temperature, and alkalinity are used to accelerate the natural process of tissue hydrolysis. All organic material is reduced to its most basic building blocks. At the end of the process, there is no DNA or RNA remaining. The sterile process water is released for recycling (our bodies are approximately 65% water to begin with), and only the inorganic bone minerals remain. The minerals are processed into powder and returned to the family in an urn

Aquamation uses a catalyst called alkali, which is the chemical opposite of an acid. Alkalis are made from sodium and potassium salts. The water-based process uses a solution of 95% water and 5% alkali (a combination of sodium and potassium hydroxide). The alkalis used in this process are the same alkalis used in biodiesel pin biodiesel production, common cosmetic products, body washes, shaving creams, and even in food preparation. At the end of the process, the chemical has been completely consumed, neutralised, and no longer remains in the water solution. The water is returned to the ecosystem via the normal wastewater treatment facility, just as all funeral homes in the United States do during the embalming process. The Aquamation process produces a completely sterile solution of amino acids, sugars, nutrients, salts, and soap in a water solution. These are the by-products of natural decomposition. The remains are 100% safe, pathogen and disease and disease free. The ashes returned to your family are simply bone mineral or calcium phosphate. The ashes can be kept in an urn or may be buried or scattered in a special place, however, you feel you can best commemorate the life of your loved companion.

Aquamation uses about 1/10th of the energy compared to flame cremation, but more importantly – our process does not rely on fossil fuels, and is certified carbon neutral.

“A good life is a collection of happy memories.” - Denis Waitley

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